The Southeastern region has maintained an Inter-library Loan (ILL) code since the mid-1980s. This code regulates ILL activity in our region (including SEAL) and provides best practices for borrowing and lending materials. Our Regional Inter-library Loan Committee (RIC) is charged with reviewing and updating this code when needed. The last code update was completed in 2017. At that time, the American Library Association’s Inter-library Loan Code was adopted as our regional code, with some provisions and exceptions specific to the Southeastern area.
In 2023, ALA released a revised version of the national code. RIC carefully reviewed and discussed the changes that were made. As a result, they are recommending that the updated ALA code be adopted as our new regional code along with two new exceptions to the national ALA code. A draft of the proposed regional code can be found below. All changes from the 2017 code are highlighted in blue.
RIC is inviting librarians and inter-library loan staff in the region to review and comment on the proposed changes. We have a google form where comments and questions can be submitted. Please submit comments by 10/31/2024. After the comment period has ended, RIC will meet to consider all comments and make changes to the document as appropriate. Then, RIC will ask for final approval of the code by all eight regional library systems.